Page name: Hermione Granger Fanz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-11-08 04:05:15
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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WELCOME TO Hermione Granger Fanz


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2008-10-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I hope they are ok.

2008-10-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*nods* i hope they are i wanna hear whyhe did it

2008-10-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*nods*

2008-10-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:gaara what do you think misty wanna drink?

2008-10-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:Her favorite drink is Orange soda.

2008-10-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*nods and gets some orange soda and some cherry soda and some hot coco*

2008-10-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:*gets a pepsi*

2008-10-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*starts to walk back to misty and hermione*

2008-10-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:*follows*

2008-10-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: misty this one is for you*hands her the orage soda* and hermione i know how much you like hot coco so this one is for you*gives hermione the hot coco*
hermione:thanx mia^^

2008-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Thank you.
Doctor:*walks in*
Gaara and Itachi:*looks at the doctor*
Doctor:They only have minor injuries,they are in the same room but they haven't come around yet,you are welcome to go see them.
Nurse:Right this way please.*leaves*
Misty:*follows the nurse*

2008-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*folows misty and the nurse*

2008-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Nurse:*stops and points them to the room*
Misty:*goes in and walks over to Sasuke's bed and sits down after glancing at John's*

2008-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:* does the same*
hermione:*stands behind mia and misty*

2008-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I hope Sasuke's ok.

2008-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*nods* me too

2008-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sighs*

2008-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: are you ok misty?

2008-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Yeah,I'm just tired.*lays my head on the side of Sasuke's bed*

2008-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i'm tired too*sits down on the floor*

2008-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*falls asleep*

2008-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*curls up on the floor and falls asleep*

2008-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: *an hour later*
Gaara:*shakes Misty*Wake up Sasuke's up.

2008-10-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*wakes up*

2008-10-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*looks at Sasuke*
Sasuke:Morning sleepy heads.

2008-10-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks confused*

2008-10-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Hi Sasuke.
Sasuke:Hi Misty.*looks at Mia*

2008-10-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*waves* hi^^

2008-10-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Hi,oh he's up too by the way.*points to john who is staring at the celing*
Misty:*glares at John*

2008-10-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:'*looks angry*
mia*looks then looks at sasuke*

2008-10-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*whispers so only Hermione,Mia,and Sasuke can hear*Should we question John now?

2008-10-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*whispers back* i don't know he might feel really bad....but it might be a good idea

2008-10-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*nods and approaches John slowly*

2008-10-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*folows*

2008-10-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: John:*looks at Misty*

2008-10-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks at john*

2008-10-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Why have you been stalking me?
John:*looks at Misty*Because you're so beautiful.

2008-10-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks at jhon from behind of misty*

2008-10-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:That's not an excuse.
John:I never wanted to break up.
Misty:Well you've lucked out cause I have a boyfriend now.
John:*looks angry*

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*in a lov vois* misty he's scarry

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: John:You will be mine again.
Misty:No I won't,and you're scary my friend.
John:I don't care if I'm scaring her.

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: we could ask hermione if she could do an amnesia spell on him....

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*nods*

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i really shouldn't but after seeing how this guy acts then i wouldn't mind doing it for you misty*starts to cast the spell*

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*doesn't object*
John:*stares at Hermione*

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*continues with the spell*

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*glares at john*

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*continues for a little while then finishes* he should have lost his memories now

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: John:*falls back on his pillow*
Misty:Is he ok?

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i didn't do anything bad

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Did he just go to sleep then?

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*nods* i think so...we could ask the nurses if you want to

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Yeah let's do that.
Itachi:I have to leave,but I'll be back.*disappears*

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks from the cloxsed door to misty to hermione and gaara*

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*calls the nurse*
Misty:He fell back on his pillow all of a sudden.*points to John*Is he ok.
Nurse:*checks him*Yes,he's fine.

2008-10-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: tha's all good then

2008-10-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*nods*

2008-10-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i hope i didn't over do it

2008-10-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Yeah.

2008-10-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:what did you do?

2008-10-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Itachi:I got rid of all of the pictures of Misty,so he won't remember her at all.

2008-10-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: tha's a really good idea

2008-10-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*nods*Yes,it is.
Itachi:I also took Misty out of his yearbooks,by having my computer friend re make them all without her picture using a speacial program.

2008-10-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: that's awsome

2008-10-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Itachi:*nods*

2008-10-24 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione and mia:*smiles*

2008-10-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Good,should we leave before he wakes back up?

2008-10-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i'm not sure cous he'll sleep for really long

2008-10-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Ok,we'll just close the curtain around him.*closes the curtain around him*

2008-10-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: that was a good idea misty

2008-11-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Thanks Mia.

2008-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: no problems misty

2008-11-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sits next to Sasuke*

2008-11-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*watches*

2008-11-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*sighs*

2008-11-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:what's wrong misty?

2008-11-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I'm still tired.

2008-11-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*rubbs her eyes*

2008-11-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*lays her head on the edge of Sasuke's bed*

2008-11-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*curls up on the floor*

2008-11-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*falls asleep on the edge of his bed*

2008-11-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*falls asleep on the floor*

2008-11-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*is asleep*

2008-11-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*falls asleep beside mia*

2008-11-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gaara:*smiles and falls asleep in a chair*

2008-11-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione and mia:*is sleeping*

2008-11-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: ~Next Day~
Misty:*wakes up to Sasuke shaking her*

2008-11-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione*are sleeping curled up on the floor*

2008-11-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*looks at Sasuke and sitts up streaching*
Gaara:*is sitting in the corner*

2008-11-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermine: *is still sleeping*

2008-11-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:I'll get some food for my friends.*stands up*
Gaara:I'll help.*gets up*

2008-11-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*slowly wakes up*
mia:*continues to sleep*

2008-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty and Gaara:*are gone*

2008-11-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*smiles at sasuke* how are you feeling?

2008-11-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:I'm feeling fine.

2008-11-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: that's good^^

2008-11-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Yeah,Misty and Gaara went to get breakfast.

2008-11-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:that sounds yummy

2008-11-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*nods*

2008-11-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*smiles then points at mia* she's a sleepy head sometimes mostly after things that she finds scarry have happened

2008-11-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:I guess what happened was scarry then?

2008-11-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:probobly seeing you 2 laying on the floor all beten up and unconsious

2008-11-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Oh,yeah.

2008-11-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione*smiles* at least you're better now^^

2008-11-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Yeah.

2008-11-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i wonder why misty and gaara takes that long time...

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Don't know.

2008-11-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: maybe they just wanted some alone time*giggles*

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Yeah maybe.*stares off into the distance*

2008-11-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: what are you thinking of sasuke?

2008-11-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*looks back at Hermione*It's nothing.

2008-11-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*smiles* really?

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*nods and turns away*Really.

2008-11-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:ok

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*looks at the wall thinking*

2008-11-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*smiles then sits on the floor stroking mias hair*

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*looks at Hermione*You're lucky.

2008-11-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: really?

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Yeah,you have someone you love,that loves you back.

2008-11-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i'm not sure if she really do love me... but i do know that she needs me

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:I'm sure she does,I can see it in her eyes.

2008-11-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: she loves me sometimes i guess

2008-11-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:I think she loves you all the time.

2008-11-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: well she do have a strange way to show it but that's ok*smiles*

2008-11-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Maybe she's afraid.

2008-11-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*continues to stroke mia's hair* maybe but i'm note sure bout that ether

2008-11-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Oh?

2008-11-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: mia has always been a little girl that liked me od some unknown reson but it's ok cous like her too but i don't know in what waay she likes me^^'

2008-11-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:You should talk to her,and find ut how she feels.

2008-11-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: she can tell me when she feels that she's reddy

2008-11-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Yeah,I guess.

2008-11-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: isn't there anyone that likes you or that you like?

2008-12-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sauke:*looks away*No one likes me.

2008-12-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i know that mia likes you as a person and i like you too so there are ppl that likes you^^

2008-12-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Well no body likes me likes me.

2008-12-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: well someone does you just haven't found her yet

2008-12-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Or maybe I have and she hasn't noticed me yet

2008-12-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*nods* maybe

2008-12-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*looks at the ceiling*I wonder what is taking them so long.

2008-12-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:me too*blushes a litle* sasuke can i ask who it is that you like that doesn't notice you? it's ok if you don't wanna tell then it's ok

2008-12-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*blushes*It's Misty.

2008-12-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i more or less guessed that. why don't you tell her again?

2008-12-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:She's with Gaara though.

2008-12-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: you can still ask her when gaara isn't around

2008-12-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Yeah,I guess.
Misty:*comes in crying*

2008-12-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: what's wrong misty?

2008-12-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Misty??What's wrong?
Misty:*sits in the chair next to Sasuke*G-G-Gaara broke up with me!

2008-12-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: i'm sorry

2008-12-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*lays her head down*
Sasuke:*looks at Hermione*What happened Misty?

2008-12-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione:*stands up and walks over and sits beside misty adns strokes her hair*

2008-12-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*looks up*Well,we went to get the food and I was ordering and I turned around and Gaara was kissing some girl,when I confrontened him he told me it was his highschool girlfriend and that he was sorry,so I broke up with him!*sobs*
Sasuke:*yells*THAT JERK!

2008-12-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: Mia:*wakes up and looks around completely confused*

2008-12-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*puts her head back down*
Sasuke:Sorry Mia,didn't mean to wake you.

2008-12-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*has obviously forgotten what hapened the night before* where am i?*realises that she is on the hospital floor* what have i done now?

2008-12-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Nothing,don't you remember what happened?

2008-12-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks at sasuke* ummm not really...and who are you?

2008-12-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Hermione,is she ok?

2008-12-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: *nods* she get's like that when she's confused^^' like i told you before you don't always know what's going on in her mind

2008-12-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Oh,ok.*looks at Mia*I'm Sasuke,yesturday you,hermione,Misty,and Gaara came to this guys house because he was stalking Misty.

2008-12-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: i think i remember some of it now

2008-12-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Ok,good.*hands Misty a box of tissues as she looks up*
Misty:*takes it and wipes her face and blows her nose*Thanks.

2008-12-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia*looks at misty*

2008-12-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*looks at Mia*Hey sleepy head.

2008-12-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: misty why are you crying?

2008-12-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Me and Gaara broke up.

2008-12-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks sad*

2008-12-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*hugs Mia*

2008-12-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*hugs back*

2008-12-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Don't be sad Mia.

2008-12-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: are you sure?

2008-12-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Yeah,I'm sad enough.

2008-12-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:aww

2008-12-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*hugs Mia as she cries*

2008-12-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*hugs misty and then pokes her shoulder gently* wet my shirt

2008-12-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Oh,I'm sorry.*smiles slightly*

2008-12-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*hugs misty again*i got you to smile^^

2008-12-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*smiles*
Sasuke:*watches them for a few momments then looks away*

2008-12-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*points on sasuke so only he can see it*

2008-12-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*looks at Mia with a what-did-I-do look*

2008-12-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*then points at misty then makes a heart sign with her hands and looks at sasuke with a wondering look*

2008-12-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*turns red and looks away*

2008-12-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*smiles at sasuke*

2008-12-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*turns redder*
Misty:*oblivious*What's wrong Sasuke,are you sick?

2008-12-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:*looks at hermione*
hermione:*looks back*
mia and hermione:*starts to giggle at the same time*

2008-12-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:No,I'm fine.*looks away*
Misty:*looks from Sasuke to Mia and Hermione*What's so funny?

2009-01-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia:....umm..sasuke would you like to tell her it yourself and we get out of the room or do you want us to tell her?

2009-01-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:Tell me what?
Sasuke:*blushes*I-I-I don't want to.

2009-01-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione: umm well misty...
mia:...sasuke likes you alot

2009-01-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:*blushes*
Misty:Likes me?Likes me how?

2009-01-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: he loves you

2009-01-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*blushes*Loves me?
Sasuke:*falls from the bed beet red*

2009-01-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermion:e*catches sasuke before he hits the floor*

2009-01-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Thanks.
Misty:Oh!*runs over to Mia,Hermione,and Sasuke*You ok Sasuke?

2009-01-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*places sasuke on the bed*

2009-01-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sasuke:Thanks guys.*gets himself into a comfortable position*
Misty:*smiles at Saskue*

2009-01-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia: you're welcome

2009-01-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:*looks at Sasuke*
Sasuke:*blushes as he looks at Misty*

2009-01-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hermione;mia let's get someting to eat*pulls mia with her out of the room to leave misty and sasuke alone*

2009-01-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Misty:You love me?
Sasuke:Yeah,I have ever since I first saw you.*blushes*
Misty:*blushes*Then why didn't say anything?
Sasuke:I was too shy and when I finally got up the courage you were dating Draco,and when he was out you were with Gaara.
Misty:Well,now that I'm not,I can be with you.*blushes and kisses Sasuke's cheek.*
Sasuke:*blushes and kisses Misty's cheek*

2009-01-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: mia and hermione:*gets sime breakfast for all of them and then they gets back about 20 minuts later*

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